DEV SITE Cardiff Council


Donate to help individuals and families experiencing severe hardship.

There are many ways you can help your local community and neighbours:

  • Shopping for others
  • Dog walking
  • Helping people who are ill or self-isolating
  • Online mentoring or socialising
  • Litter picking and other community schemes
There are also opportunities available to you if you are self-isolating or are not able to offer physical help.
If you are a Cardiff Council employee and wish to volunteer, please contact

Find a volunteering opportunities to support your community

Use the search to find opportunities that we have available. You can filter by area and by type of volunteering work available.
Make sure you read our Guidance for Volunteers before you apply.

Volunteer Van Drivers

Our Retail Van Drivers are essential to our retail operations. Using our City Hospice van, they transport paperwork, donated stock, and electricals between our hospice centre in Whitchurch and our... read more →

Volunteer Nursery Assistant

Shining Stars Cardiff CIC is a creative pre-school and Toddler group with lots of painting, exploring, music and fun. Staff have been handpicked for their love of children and are... read more →

NHS and Care Volunteer Responders

Royal Voluntary Service is a national charity built on local volunteering, giving support to people in need in NHS hospitals and communities. NHS and Care Volunteer Responders is a flexible... read more →

Retail Volunteers

We’re looking for enthusiastic and reliable retail volunteers to help support our charity shops. Our shops raise vital funds to enable us to support those in the local community living... read more →

Volunteer Organiser

What does your organisation/group do? Repair Cafe Wales opens & supports repair cafés in Wales and beyond. We are a Not-for-Profit organisation dedicated to creating a culture of repair and... read more →

Patient Driver Volunteers

Patient Drivers support with City Hospice’s day hospice and wellbeing services by transporting patients to and from their homes to our hospice centre in Whitchurch. Our patients live across the... read more →

Volunteer at a Repair Cafe

Repair Cafe Wales opens & supports repair cafés in Wales and beyond. We are a Not-for-Profit organisation dedicated to creating a culture of repair and reuse, to encourage communities that... read more →

Data and Research Volunteer

Cerebral Palsy Cymru is a national centre of excellence for families in Wales with children who have cerebral palsy. Our specialist team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language... read more →


Recovery Cymru is a peer-led, mutual-aid, recovery community in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan that empowers people to achieve and maintain recovery while supporting others to do the same.... read more →

Facilities Volunteer

Cerebral Palsy Cymru is a national centre of excellence for families in Wales with children who have cerebral palsy. Our specialist team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language... read more →

Awen Volunteer

awen@thelibrary in a small charity. A group of local people support the hub by arranging and publicising activities: groups, talks and events for adults and for children. We have a... read more →

Volunteer Receptionist

Cerebral Palsy Cymru is a national centre of excellence for families in Wales with children who have cerebral palsy. Our specialist team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language... read more →

“Meet up Monday” volunteer

“Meet Up Monday” is a fun, inclusive social afternoon that tackles social isolation and poor mental health by creating a friendly, relaxed and welcoming space for all. We are looking for... read more →

Volunteer Community Survey Champion

Cardiff Research & Engagement Centre is part of Cardiff Council. We work with council colleagues and partner organisations to run public consultations, surveys and focus groups to support decision-making. What... read more →

School Appeals Panel Member

Cardiff Council is currently recruiting new members to join its Independent School Appeals panel.   Parents and carers have the legal right to appeal against the admission authority's decision to... read more →

Y’s Girls Volunteer Mentor

Join our team of Y’s Girls Volunteer Mentors! A mentor will be expected to regularly meet up with the young person and do things together that are fun and engaging.... read more →

Support Group Assistant

Say Aphasia offers supportive groups for individuals with aphasia; a communication and language disability caused by brain injury. We provide a nurturing environment where they can connect and share experiences.... read more →


1. Safer Wales is an independent Charity whose mission is to support, protect and empower groups of people who are often invisible in the society. StreetLife Project aims to reach... read more →


1. Safer Wales is an independent Charity whose mission is to support, protect and empower groups of people who are often invisible in the society. StreetLife Project aims to reach... read more →

Volunteer Mentor in Cardiff Schools

One Million Mentors is a community based mentoring program that empowers young people to become the best version of themselves: building relationships - free of assumption and judgement - where... read more →

Volunteer Driver Vacancies

Greenlinks Community Transport Greenlinks Community Transport provides a friendly and professional community travel service at a low cost to individuals and community groups within the Vale of Glamorgan, in particular... read more →

Assistance Volunteer

GNINC is a community based charity providing help and support for those who are vulnerable or elderly. We provide transport, shopping and companionship. Volunteers are in complete control over the... read more →

Volunteer Playwork Assistant

Seren in Community is a small Play Charity based in the CF24 area of Cardiff. We facilitate free play sessions for children and young people in a multitude of locations... read more →

Prison Volunteer- HMP Cardiff

We are looking for a volunteer to provide training and support to our mentors in prison. There may be some additional preparation and/ or administrative tasks in between volunteering days... read more →

Unpaid Carers Befriending Volunteer

The Unpaid Carer’s Befriending Project is a partnership project between the Community Volunteering Team, The Unpaid Carers Team and Independent Living Service at Cardiff Council. This project is looking to... read more →

Cardiff Open Air Theatre Festival

Staged by Everyman Theatre, the award-winning Cardiff Open Air Theatre Festival attracts over 14,000 visitors a year across six weeks in the centre of Cardiff. By volunteering with us, you’ll... read more →

Vegan Outreach Helpers Required!

The Vegan Society's mission is to make veganism mainstream. We're working tirelessly to make veganism an easily-adopted and widely-recognised approach to reducing animal suffering and environmental damage. We do so... read more →

Vegan Outreach Volunteers Needed!

The Vegan Society's mission is to make veganism mainstream. We're working tirelessly to make veganism an easily-adopted and widely-recognised approach to reducing animal suffering and environmental damage. We do so... read more →

The Posh Club Host

Common Wealth are a site specific theatre company who advocate for social change. We are seeking volunteers to help in the delivery of The Posh Club, THE glamorous social experience... read more →

Jobs Fair Volunteer

Welcoming job seekers to the Jobs Fair. Supporting individuals to navigate the event. Keeping the refreshment area replenished, clean and tidy (if applicable) Help with tidying the event space. Volunteers... read more →

Puppy Raiser

Guide Dogs requires volunteer Puppy Raisers to look after our pups while they start learning the skills to become life changers. From 8 weeks until they start formal training at... read more →

Volunteer Mentor

As a Volunteer Mentor for our Visiting Mum project, you’ll be volunteering your time as part of Visiting Mum team, based in South Wales and HMP Eastwood Park. The Visiting... read more →

Training Dog Fosterer

Guide Dogs requires volunteer fosterers for our amazing dogs in training to become life changers! From around 14 months for the duration of their intense training (20-24 weeks), we require... read more →

Breakfast and Warm Club Volunteers

Splott Community Volunteers was established eight years ago to help people from disadvantaged communities who are on low income or people who are homeless to access food, companionship and support.... read more →

Volunteer Ushers

Sherman Theatre is a venue that produces and presents live performances, including comedy, drama, family shows, contemporary dance, re-imagined classics and spoken word / podcasts. Our volunteer ushers help with... read more →

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