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Posts Tagged: Community

Donate to help individuals and families experiencing severe hardship.

There are many ways you can help your local community and neighbours:

  • Shopping for others
  • Dog walking
  • Helping people who are ill or self-isolating
  • Online mentoring or socialising
  • Litter picking and other community schemes
There are also opportunities available to you if you are self-isolating or are not able to offer physical help.
If you are a Cardiff Council employee and wish to volunteer, please contact

Find a volunteering opportunities to support your community

Use the search to find opportunities that we have available. You can filter by area and by type of volunteering work available.
Make sure you read our Guidance for Volunteers before you apply.

Volunteer Van Drivers

Our Retail Van Drivers are essential to our retail operations. Using our City Hospice van, they transport paperwork, donated stock, and electricals between our hospice centre in Whitchurch and our... read more →

NHS and Care Volunteer Responders

Royal Voluntary Service is a national charity built on local volunteering, giving support to people in need in NHS hospitals and communities. NHS and Care Volunteer Responders is a flexible... read more →

Volunteer Organiser

What does your organisation/group do? Repair Cafe Wales opens & supports repair cafés in Wales and beyond. We are a Not-for-Profit organisation dedicated to creating a culture of repair and... read more →

Patient Driver Volunteers

Patient Drivers support with City Hospice’s day hospice and wellbeing services by transporting patients to and from their homes to our hospice centre in Whitchurch. Our patients live across the... read more →

Volunteer at a Repair Cafe

Repair Cafe Wales opens & supports repair cafés in Wales and beyond. We are a Not-for-Profit organisation dedicated to creating a culture of repair and reuse, to encourage communities that... read more →


Recovery Cymru is a peer-led, mutual-aid, recovery community in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan that empowers people to achieve and maintain recovery while supporting others to do the same.... read more →

Facilities Volunteer

Cerebral Palsy Cymru is a national centre of excellence for families in Wales with children who have cerebral palsy. Our specialist team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language... read more →

Awen Volunteer

awen@thelibrary in a small charity. A group of local people support the hub by arranging and publicising activities: groups, talks and events for adults and for children. We have a... read more →

Volunteer Community Survey Champion

Cardiff Research & Engagement Centre is part of Cardiff Council. We work with council colleagues and partner organisations to run public consultations, surveys and focus groups to support decision-making. What... read more →

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