DEV SITE Cardiff Council

Support and Development

There are some key organisations in Cardiff that play a major part in enabling volunteering across the city.

These organisations provide funding and training as well as specialist advice and support.

C3SC (Cardiff Third Sector Council) improves access to volunteering for people from all sectors of society, supporting efforts to ensure that unnecessary barriers do not deter people from volunteering. C3SC provides this access by:

  • Advertising volunteering opportunities on
  • Face-to-face advice on volunteering at accessible points in Cardiff
  • Supporting people to take on volunteering placements at the C3SC Volunteer Centre
  • Promoting volunteering through the Volunteering Wales website, e-bulletins and media to promote awareness of volunteering opportunities.
  • Providing access to the latest information on available volunteering opportunities through drop-in sessions, community outreach sessions and participation in targeted public events.

More about C3SC services

The Sports Hub Cardiff is an online resource supporting Sport Cardiff’s goal of creating opportunities for all through sport by making it as easy as possible to get involved – whether that be through volunteering, finding a local sports club, getting involved in coaching, or finding courses or training opportunities. Equally, the Sports Hub enables organisations who would like to offer voluntary opportunities related to sport to promote their opportunities to a rapidly expanding, skilled, and experienced volunteer workforce.Sports Cardiff specialise and focus on:

  • Providing opportunities to help others
  • Contributing to sport in Cardiff
  • Offering opportunities to meet new people
  • Increasing people’s confidence
  • Using and developing industry experience
  • Providing opportunities to learn new skills.

Student Volunteering Cardiff (SVC) believe in giving the Cardiff community the opportunity to give a little, and gain a lot. SVC is a student-led charity offering volunteering opportunities in Cardiff and surrounding areas, and have been going since the 1970s.

SVC run 20+ projects to allow volunteers (who can be community members or students) to contribute to their local community by working with those who have learning disabilities, mental health conditions, are elderly or homeless.

Having a volunteering position with SVC will give the volunteer:

  • A chance to help others
  • An opportunity to meet new people
  • Increased confidence
  • Access to free training
  • An end of year certificate
  • A job reference if you are seeking work
  • Additional experience to put on your CV
  • Employability skills
  • Ability to learn new skills

Volunteers also work with the environment and help promote a greener Cardiff. Volunteers work in many areas including in hospitals, schools, on farms, with the police and the local government and with 50,000 hours of volunteering achieved last year, SVC are proud of the impact they are making.

Spice manage the Time Credit programme within Cardiff Council and other sectors across Wales. We develop Time Credit systems that value everyone’s time, no matter who they are. Our programmes embody exciting partnerships between individuals and the public, private and voluntary sectors.

Time Credits value everyone’s time and the individual contribution people make. For every hour of time you give to your community or services, you receive one Time Credit. This is yours to spend on the activities within our network that you enjoy.

Keep Cardiff Tidy is a Cardiff campaign to clean up our streets and neighborhoods and is calling on the citizens of Cardiff to get involved to help make the Diff-erence. Focus on Harnessing People Power, Neighborhood Cleaning, Zero Tolerance approach to Littering and Raising Recycling awareness. Keep Cardiff Tidy provide help with:

  • Joining a local community group, starting a new group or picking up litter on your own

If you’d like to get involved with litter picking in your area, get in touch with one of the community groups, alternatively sign up as a litter champion@

For up and coming events please go to EVENT SECTION LINK

If you would like to start your own group, get in touch with Keep Wales Tidy who can offer you lots of advice on starting up. The officer for Cardiff can be contacted at:

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