Want to be part of the movement changing the face of what it means to be a man?
Get in touch now to be part of the HUMEN Space team! Location: Cardiff The HUMEN Space is an anonymous, safe space for men to talk, listen and connect on a regular basis, to improve and maintain men’s mental health. 75% of all UK suicides are male. But they are half as likely to be diagnosed with depression. It’s not enough to just say men need to talk, so the charity HUMEN is providing spaces to do so. Moving beyond the false and limiting notions of what it means to be a man, or a lad, or a bloke. Where inner health is valued as much as outer, creating a better world for men and women. We are looking for 4 volunteers required once a week from 6 PM- 7:30 PM to cover the following responsibilities: 1. Spaceman – to guide each session following The HUMEN Space script. 2. Refreshments – to set up refreshments station and provide refreshments to attendees. 3. Greeter – to greet attendees on the door as they arrive. 4. Set up – to set up the seating and return the space to its original state. Please get in touch now if any of these roles are of interest. Apply through our Volunteer Form. For any further inquiries please email us. We’re lighting a better way forward and together can change the course of a generation. You are human. I am human. We are HUMEN. Support for HUMEN volunteers: A centralised messaging chat is created for each group so they have direct contact with everyone involved, so can share any concerns. The HQ team have a monthly check-in with each volunteer and allow any volunteer to reach out at any time too. Our safeguarding policy is present at each session.
Tags: Community
Maja KantarAddress:
125 Charing Cross Rd, London, WC2H 0EW
Email: maja@wearehumen.org
Mob: 07516182768
Web: https://www.wearehumen.org/

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