Scouting in Cardiff is run entirely by volunteers. Unfortunately following the recent lockdowns, some of our volunteers decided to leave Scouting. In the case of 2nd Llandaff this has meant we had to close one of the Beaver Colonies and one of the Cub Packs. The only way we can meet the current demand is by re-opening these sections, but that requires more volunteers.
We need people like you to join the team of volunteers so that more young people in Llandaff North can become Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and develop skills for life. It’s not just the young people who have fun, but the adults too. You don’t have to be Bear Grylls to volunteer, and we’re looking for activity-planners, organisers, go-getters, instructors, tidy-uppers and even tea-makers. Every little bit counts if you are part of a team. Is this something you would be willing to consider do you think?
Take a look at our volunteering page to see how volunteering can be good for you.
If you are interested, I’m happy to talk to you about possibilities.
Mike Walker (Group Scout Leader)
Tags: Children and Families, Education and training
Mike WalkerAddress:
Scout Hall, Belle Vue Crescent, Llandaff North
Mob: 07940951795

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